Hello everyone! My name is Katie and this is my brain online. It's filled with information that you didn't know you wanted to know until I told you! I will take instructions everyday from the books "This Book Will Change Your Life" by Benrik and "Use This Book!" by Melissa Heckscher.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Yardwork... ugh
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hello My Name is Katie and I Waste Money!
CNN Money did an article on the 10 Biggest Money Wasters and I just had to see how I compared. Well the results are in and yikes. I think I need a support group! CNN used the data reported by Gary Thurbers with Consumer Credit Counseling Service of New York. So here it goes…
ATM Fees: Thurber’s clients spend $40 - $500 a year. This is just to get money that already belongs to them! I bank with a rural town bank and they have one ATM and it is attached to the bank… This makes no sense to me but I guess they can’t be open 24/7. This bank is 30 minutes away. There is no reason for me to burn fuel just to avoid a $2.00 fee. Luckily more places will take debit cards and do cash back.
Lottery Tickets: HA! The only gamble I take is whether or not the outfit I ordered online is going to look good. I have been to Vegas twice and not once did I put a coin in a slot machine or a chip on felt. I feel pretty good about myself. But not everyone can be awesome like me. Last year consumers bought more than $70 billion in lottery tickets!
Gourmet Coffee: ….ok ya. This is an issue. Last month I spent $30 at our local coffee shop. What? I need my Hot Tea Latte!! On Average, American’s spend $8.43 each time they stop at a coffee shop. That is almost $400 a year!
Cigarettes: I can proudly say I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. But again… I’m awesome. Thurber’s clients spend almost $300 a month on cigarettes! Can you imagine writing a check for $3600 to cancer research every year?
Infomercial Impulse Buys: Ok I am a night owl… I PROUDLY own a magic bullet blender and the salad chef. This industry brings in $400 billion every year. Thurber’s clients spend $200 per month on this late night buys. I knew this was going to make the list.
Brand Name Groceries: I have noticed that when I shop during the holidays or a busy time I tend to buy brand name groceries because they are easily recognized and I feel rushed to get in and out. If I shop during slow hours I spend less because I can take the time to compare prices and use coupons! If you stopped with the brand name items you could save $50 – 75 a month if you usually spend $500 – 600 on your bill. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
Eating Out: I am guaranteed to go out one night a week with my friends. We have dinner, drinks and an all around good time. I am not giving this up. On Average Consumers spent $2341 on dining out. If I include my alcohol, last month I spent $200!
The last three are not an issue for me and there really weren’t any startling statistics. Unused gym memberships, daily internet deals, and tv and phone bundle plans. I do bundle but I actually save. I have been wanting to cancel my Directv for awhile because of hulu then sports come on and I remember why I purchased it in the first place.
RECCOMENDATION: Mint.com it really is amazing. It’s your entire financial world on one site and organized. It’s easy on the eye and the brain. It even recommends saving and investment options. It tracks trends, loans, budgets, and savings. If you are saving for a project it keeps track of that too! It will send you email updates and if you are getting close to going over budget it will send you a text. It really is a fantastic tool. Check it out. NOW!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Dorm Drama, Roomie Rants, and Grad Gifts
DORM DRAMA: The hermit (photography major), The hippie (culinary major), and The dragon (animation major). Of course I shared the room with the dragon. She wasn't ugly... she collected dragon figurines. ya.... Her feet were sooo smelly. She left and was replaced by the swan (graphic design). She went to an all girls Catholic high school. She was thin, pretty and made me feel like the dragon. We were not happy together. Unfortunately we were in the same major and had a lot of the same friends. She ended up moving in with the hermit and the hippie moved in with me. Ultimately we moved into a duplex together but that is a story for another day. It was so tense and uncomfortable with the other girls. We basically split the suite in half.
ROOMIE RANTS: Tuna Casserole every other day?! Really?! Did you think I wouldn't notice my shirt on you?! How can one lose that much hair in the drain?! Gross!! WASH YOUR FEET!!! sigh. The best thing is to be respectful of others. The End.
GRAD GIFTS: Click here for a College Checklist. Most of this stuff I got from my party because my parents friends are amazing!! When your grad is writing their thank you’s have them check off what they received. Don't try and get all sentimental with pics and frames. They want to do that on their own and they have facespace with all their pics and such.
Closet: room and closet spray (be careful... in small spaces this could cause drama) and tiered hangers.
Walls & Doors: I love all this stuff! Most of it is under $5. Get it all! Don't get the media rack for theft reasons.
Desk: desktop organizing collection (keep it simple) and dry erase board.
Laundry: EVERYTHING!! Definitely a hamper. Don't get one that hangs on the door. The last thing anyone wants is a whiff of dirty socks when they walk in. This could also cause drama because they are using the only door. Do you remember those old film containers. They are the best for quarters. Whether its for parking or laundry it's one of those gifts I remember receiving!
Bath: Shower Tote and Makeup organizer. A vanity mirror that lights up and can fold up and be stored is awesome!
Storage: chip clips, microwave-safe food containers, and bedside storage.
Must-Haves: book light, tool box, and cleaning supplies (nothing with a heavy scent).
FROM THE GREATEST MOM AND DAD EVER: I personally feel this is a great idea. Make a list of everything you needed to know when you went to school (laundry, stain removal, how to change a tire, etc). Print on card stock, laminate, and 1hole punch the flashcards and loop them with a metal ring. Color-code them for laundry, cooking, health, car, and misc. Make sure to include the recipe to their favorite meal!
If you have a case of writers block make a list of everything you do around the house on an average day, when they are sick and if they are having a bad day. There are also checklists online for individual items like car maintenance. Make sure to personalize this.
Don't present this to them because there is a good chance it will make them feel like an idiot. Simply put it in their suitcase so they can discover it when unpacking. Don't put something mushy on there that might embarrass them in front of their new roomies (baby pics, poems, etc).
Any time they call for advice on something make a card. The next time they are home or you visit slip it in their luggage or in a drawer. This encourages independence!
Good Luck and have fun!!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
A Case of the Monday's!!
This morning I hear my alarm go off. I look at my clock to discover I have slept through the first hour of buzzers and this is my final warning clock. I had 10 minutes to get ready and get to work. That'll knock the loopy right out of you!! So if anyone reads this I need a 5 hour energy drink or someone that looks like me that can do my job for a day while I recover. haha
And if you are bringing the drink also bring a bucket of chocolate goodness. please?!
Friday, May 13, 2011
13 things to avoid today
1. If you break a mirror you have 7 years of bad luck. Technically if you break a mirror I think you already had bad luck.
2. Walking under a ladder (unless your fingers are crossed). It is also bad luck to walk by a ladder that Tanner is on. Most likely he will fall on you!
3. Throw Salt over your right shoulder if you spill it. This was actually meant to ward off the evil spirit that resides just over your right shoulder waiting to strike when you are sick. Or really piss off the people sitting at the table behind you.
4. Open an umbrella inside. It's just dumb... how do you out of the door?! Oh you can't? Well it must be bad luck and not stupidity. Who are you? Bullwinkle?!
5. If you place your purse on the floor you will go broke! Well ya... That's a horrible place for your money! Someone could easily steal it. Plus now we know that the bottom of our purses are the dirtiest (germ wise) of anything else we own because we put them on floors and we take them in bathrooms, then we put them on our kitchen counters... yummy!
6. Black Cat Cross Your Path?! You are doomed!! If you have a bad allergy to the moody and creepy little animals then I can see this being an issue. If you hit one with your car you might have to clean up cat bits! grosssss!!
7. Splitting the Pole (while walking, you have to let go of hands to go around an obstacle) aka Your super protective over lovey dovey partner just can't let go. grosssss!! haha
8. It's bad luck to see an owl during the daylight. Technically I think this is bad luck for the owl! He must be confused. You help him get back on his sleep schedule!!
9. Sparrows are believed to carry the souls of the dead and it is bad luck to kill one. I also believe in some states it is illegal... And birds carry diseases! Coming in to contact with any bird would be bad luck for sure!
10. If you sleep on a table you will have bad luck. Um... well ya! You will also have a horrible back ache and probably a pissed off roommate or spouse! I am assuming it's a table in your home... you could also really piss off a restaurant owner. Nothing good will come of this.
11. Breaking a glass while proposing a toast is bad luck. Again I have to agree with this one. It's especially unlucky to swallow glass. The host will also be really pissed that you just broke a glass and will probably spit in your dessert!
12. To pass anyone on a staircase is bad luck. To avoid the situation, turn around and don't let this person pass you or trip the person and give them all the bad luck. It is instant bad luck if the person is large and sweaty and the hallway is narrow.
13. The number one thing you shouldn't do on this date of all dates.... Don't go camping at Crystal Lake with your friend Jason.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Graduation Party Ideas from Someone that Likes to Attend Them!!
The number one issue Grads run in to is they want to go to everyone's party and they want everyone at their party. The best thing to do is ask them what they want to do. Their answers will range from "NOTHING!!! OMG I HATE YOU! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!!" to "I just want a fun party with all my friends." If they answered the first way, then it's up to you to plan everything. Otherwise they have the perfect party already planned. Sit back and get ready to write the check.
Here are a few ideas that I would find fun:
EARLY RISER (This also works for prom): This works best for the girls and if you are good friends with the parents of your kid’s friends. Invite your daughter’s closest friends and their parents over for breakfast and let the girls get ready together. Make sure your daughter or son knows if there are any allergies in the group. Put out some disposable cameras so the girls can document the entire day. Don't have a big bathroom? Setup a table with mirrors, lights, electrical outlets and chairs. Decorate with pics of them as little girls.
If you have a son, get ready to fix a bigger breakfast and skip the disposable cameras and make up station. Go straight for the TV trays and video game center in the living room. Set up photo albums for parents to look at over pancakes and bacon.
LET'S LUNCH TOGETHER: This is usually right after the ceremony. DO NOT and I'll repeat DO NOT serve finger food! This is lunch yo! They want hamburgers and hot dogs. They want picnic food. SAY WHAT?! TOO EXPENSIVE!! Well here is the trick... get with your grads BFF’s parents and throw a combined picnic. A city center or a park works best for larger groups. Figure out how many will host and how much each item will cost. Divide them up evenly between the hosts. Skip on all the expensive decorations. It will most likely be outside and if you live in Kansas... Windy!!
If you are worried about the time crunch: Ask that aunt or uncle to get the grill fired up and the drinks on ice, so that you don't miss your grad's big moment.
COME AND GO: This is what I had! I had so many guests coming and going that I had to review the sign in book to really see who came! We had people inside and outside. If you came right after the ceremony you got a hamburger or hotdog while I opened some gifts. Otherwise you got some of the best apps ever... did I mention the chocolate covered strawberries?! There are always the classics but one thing you don't want for a come and go is to make people feel like they need to sit to eat.
The 3 main stations for a C&G is gifts, food, and nostalgia.
1. The gift table should be accompanied with a guest book. I have also see frames with a matted pic of the grad and people sign on that. If you have a special sign-in item make sure you get it started so that people know they are supposed to write on the white graduation teddy bear!
2. The food should be set up for grazers. Set up a few tables around the room/house.
Make sure the drinks are on the opposite side of the room to insure traffic flow. Imagine a waiter holding a tray of apps. Put desserts on one side and savory yummy apps on the other. This way, people won't feel like they have to fill their plate with a mountain of options. Make sure to have napkins and mini plates at each location.
3. The nostalgia is VERY important!! This is why you have been taking all those pics right?! People will gather around this table and linger so put this near the back. Don't put it near food. Don't risk spills. You can also do a slideshow on the big screen or set up a projector. Make sure there is music and lots of laughs. This isn't a wake. Although for you the parents it will be sad.
Speaking of those parents! Get the parents a gift!! If you are close to a group of your grads parents like most are... put together a bunch of pics of these kids together (get with your kid for this one). There are a bunch of great websites that will print quality albums. Write a special note to each one and make sure your kid gets them to each parent. Success!!
Good luck and if you need any help with fun party food ideas let me know! I have a few in storage. And remember this is going to be one of the last wholesome booze free party your kid will attend so make it fun and maybe your grad will think fun can exist without drinking! ....... ya let us hope.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Rain Check
Monday, May 9, 2011
Midnight Train Going Anywhere
FAQ about taking the train from Garden City to KCMO:
1. How long does it take? Same as driving.
2. Then why not just drive? Due to the fact that it is a midnight train, I sleep the entire way and get to spend 3 whole days with my friend instead of 2 because I used up one whole day driving. Plus I hate driving by myself.
3. How is sleeping on the train? Not bad, but like I said this is not my first go around. I can recognize the amateurs from the pros. Before we roll out I have my neck pillow and blanket snuggly in place, eye mask on, and ticket hanging down from seat so the conductor doesn't have to ask. Depending on the crowd sometimes I will listen to my iPod to block out the distant chatter. This last trip I took a sleep aid and was out for the night! Fantastic.
4. What about leg room? I have seen some big ole boys on the train and they are just fine. The seats are comfortable and recline nicely. There is leg support and foot rests. Sometimes if the train isn't full you get two seats to yourself and this is the jackpot of travel. You can also upgrade to a room with a bed but I have never done so.
5. What about other amenities? Well of course there are bathrooms, changing rooms, and water fountains. If you are on the midnight train the food is kind of limited but if you wake up early then you can enjoy a nice warm breakfast before arrival (crepes anyone?!) or a quick bite in the dining cart. There is also a lounge cart available too if you are not quite ready for sleep.
6. How do you know when it's your stop?! What if you miss it?! Easy. The conductors give you a special tag that has your destination on it. This is snuggly placed above your seat so they know when and where you are going. If you are sleeping they will wake you 10 minutes before arrival and will make sure you make it. If it is daytime they will announce the next stop over the intercom.
7. What if you miss the returning train?! I found myself asking this question last night. And by that I mean screamed obscenities at the train pulling out of the station. Amtrak's advice to me was "Did your friend drop you off?" aka "Better haul ass to the next stop and try and catch it!!" We did make it to Lawrence and by a good 5 minutes before the train! All Hail the Hemi Engine!!
I do have to say that [missing the train] was the most nerve wrecking experience I have had on the train and I have traveled in poor weather, crowded carts, with no pillow or blanket, crying babies, and loud obnoxious women. So... OK! I still haven't found the perfect form of transportation for the quick weekend trip but I will say that I will continue to take the train as long as I am by myself and have a budget of $140 for travel.